Does January get your creative gardening juices flowing? Do you have a big vegetable garden, or container garden? Are you a "rose rustler"? Do you use thoughts of Spring to get you through the dark, cold days of Winter?
Read MoreThe year my 2.5 yr old wanted to be bacon for Halloween.
Read MoreThis is a great method for off-the-grid low-tech clothes washing or, in my case, diaper washing as part of the Second Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge. The total cost to make this washer was around $6, and about 10 minutes.
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What do you do when your Birthday Boy says "Surprise me!" with a totally awesome cake? Why, you build a pre-historic Black Forest volcano, of course!
Read MoreIt's that time of year -- dry skin and scratchy lips are a couple things I really dislike about winter. This recipe puts a bit of shimmer back into your smile while moisturizing your skin. It's simple to blend and makes a lot, so be sure to pass on the bounty to your friends and family!
Read MoreI prefer to avoid commercial diaper ointments, creams and balms for Boy#3. Mainly, I don't like the idea of rubbing chemicals into the skin in his diaper area, but a lot of mainstream rash creams are very bad for cloth diapers -- coating the fibers and rendering them unable to absorb liquid. When I do need to use "a little something" as part of the diapering routine, I like to use my homemade Bottom Balm. It's easy to make, has 2(!) ingredients -- both of which you can pronounce ;), and it gives a nice sheen to the skin making the next diaper change that much easier to clean. The beauty of using coconut oil is that it is naturally solid at room temperature!
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