Garden Dreaming..

I grew up rural and January was all about selecting and ordering seeds and planning the garden for the coming growing season. Now that I live in the city, I still feel the urge, as though it has been bred into my bones, but lack the space. My big project for the coming year is my side yard -- the last bastion of actual grass on my property! A number of years ago, I obtained broken patio stones from the dumpsters at a local home renovation store and made a recycled patio in my "urban jungle":

Upcycled Stone Patio
Upcycled Stone Patio

I'm thinking of doing something similar, but using concrete frames instead. The recycled stone was a bit more labor-intensive than I will have time for this Spring, though swinging the sledgehammer was very therapeutic for relieving stress!

Does January get your creative gardening juices flowing? Do you have a big vegetable garden, or container garden? Are you a "rose rustler"? Do you use thoughts of Spring to get you through the dark, cold days of Winter?