DIY: Quick and Easy Bottom Balm

I prefer to avoid commercial diaper ointments, creams and balms for Boy#3. Mainly, I don't like the idea of rubbing chemicals into the skin in his diaper area, but a lot of mainstream rash creams are very bad for cloth diapers -- coating the fibers and rendering them unable to absorb liquid. When I do need to use "a little something" as part of the diapering routine, I like to use my homemade Bottom Balm. It's easy to make, has 2(!) ingredients -- both of which you can pronounce, and it gives a nice sheen to the skin making the next diaper change that much easier to clean. The beauty of using coconut oil is that it is naturally solid at room temperature.

Here's how you can make it, too:

You need:

  • 250g coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup dried calendula petals or dried lavender blossoms
  • glass container(s) for the balm

Heat coconut oil on low in small saucepan until it melts. Add the petals or blossoms and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Stir from time to time to prevent burning. Strain the balm through cheesecloth or sieve into jars. The balm will solidify at room temperature. Shake it a couple times during the cooling process to ensure even distribution of the essential oils. Store in a cool place -- it will return to a liquid state if the ambient temperature is higher than 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can easily find coconut oil at most grocery stores. I source my herbs from Mountain Path. If you prefer a balm that is a little more solid, add 1 - 3 tbsp of grated cosmetic grade beeswax to the coconut oil in the last 5-10 minutes of simmering.