Day 29 - Snow
2020 April 15
Today’s weather is bullshit.
It’s cold and it is snowing.
It would bother me more if the kids were in school — this weather is notoriously hard to properly dress kids for, and inevitably ends up in cold children shivering in rain gear, or muddy children in sopping wet snowsuits. Since it was cold and gross, we just stayed inside. The only exception was #Kid4 — she’s made of sturdy stuff — who insisted on her daily dose of fresh air in the backyard.
I supervised from inside, where it was warm.
#Kid3 plowed through almost his entire week of schoolwork today — it was sent out by his teachers yesterday, and he said he’d like to do it so I passed it along. I’m not pressuring the younger kids to complete stuff, but supporting them when they express that they want to. It seems to be the right balance at the moment.
The fourth garden book arrived today. It’s the newest edition of Square Foot Gardening — a staple in our gardening library. I spent some time reading it this afternoon and am getting a more concrete layout in mind for this year, with what I want to add for structures in the fall, and how I want to build upon it next Spring. My garden plan is gaining a sense of momentum and forward motion — a familiar feeling from when I was guiding the development of my last garden — and that familiarity is comforting and grounding. Once it is set in motion, my garden will tell me how it wants to grow if I take the time to listen to it.
This might sound a little flaky, but there is old magic in gardening.
It calls to me on a deep, instinctual level.
Tomorrow I will do some preliminary sketches and try to get my ideas out of my head and onto paper. I sent in one last seed order today — this time to Richter’s — and my husband retrieved a bag of strawberry plants that someone was giving away. For the most part, I put the reason for everyone being home out of my head today and busied myself with other things.
Today felt normalish, and it was pretty great.
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