Day 2 -- It Was Not Pee

2020 March 19



An upside of the social distancing and self-isolation has been more relaxed mornings. This morning I was cuddling with #Kid6 in bed, when #Kid4 showed up.

"Where's #Kid5?" I asked.

"Oh, she's still sleeping," she replied, and then crawled into bed with us to sing songs to her baby sister.

We laid in bed for awhile, singing and making plans for the day, when I heard a tiny voice coming from the end of our back hallway.

"Mama? Hewwwwp? Hewwwwwp, Mama?"

It was #Kid5, my 2.5yr old. She was not asleep. She must have woken up during our singsong and gotten herself out of bed.

She was in the bathroom.

I leapt from my bed, threw on some clothes, left #Kid4 in charge of #Kid6, and ran to see what was going on.

There was a lot going on.

#Kid5 had decided to use the bathroom on her own, and had run into some trouble. Not a big deal -- pee accidents are why I keep a spray bottle of cleaner under their sink.

It. Was. Not. Pee.

It was SO MUCH not pee, AND it was on the floor.

It was so much "not pee" ON THE FLOOR that I took a photo and sent it to my husband at work.

He starts working from home on Monday as result of social distancing measures. I thought it only fair to warn him that his new colleagues here have atrocious office manners.