Recipe: "Kraken's Kiss"

With a tip of my hat to George R. R. Martin, I introduce you to my new favourite summer drink. One can of soda makes two drinks, so grab two glasses and make this for you and a friend!


You need:

To make:

Add 1oz (30ml) of rum to each glass, with a splash of lime. If you are in Ottawa, ON, try adding a splash of Split Tree Beverage Company sour mix instead, you won't regret it -- it's excellent for many drink-making purposes. Top with 6oz (177ml) of Cott Black Cherry soda.

(#ProTip for the moms out there: If you can't find your handy-dandy measuring cup for mixing drinks, a baby bottle is great for measuring ounces. ;) )

In my personal opinion, this drink is best enjoyed when served in a vintage peanut butter glass!


Bottoms up!