
I am reasonably certain this is the mug that started the whole thing:


I am outing myself here, but I saw this mug at our local thrift shop a couple weeks ago and it screamed a certain friend's name to me, so I bought it, wrapped it in tissue and dropped it off at her workplace for her to find.

Who DOESN'T need a cat mug with a wee mousie hiding inside?

This morning, I woke to find this wrapped with pretty paper in a bag hanging on my front door:


Putting it mildly, I have a bit of a thing for violets and my yard is carpeted in them right now.

#mugtag was born.

The rules are pretty simple:

If you are out an about and see a mug or cup/saucer that makes you think of someone (or have one in your personal collection), pick it up. Maybe it has a flower on it that they grow in their garden, or it commemorates their hometown, province or favourite sport. Maybe it's emblazoned with their name, or reminds you of something the two of you did together. If it hollers their name to you, it is the one!

Wrap it up, and drop it off to them anonymously, if possible.

Include a note about how the game works.

There are no tag backs (if you know or suspect who did the deed), and you can only tag each person once. There is no turn-around time limit on completing a tag -- wait until you find something awesome!

Play as many times as you like -- you don't need to wait to be tagged.

When you are tagged, snap a picture of your mug and share it on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook with the hashtag #mugtag so others can follow along!