32 Weeks

I'm 32 weeks today -- I'm only about as big as I was when 6 months pregnant with the boys, am in different head space, and am getting the overwhelming urge to purge. As excited as I am about this little guy, it seems weird to know I'll soon be back in "baby land" doing "baby stuff". I can't help wondering if I will do it differently or better this time around. I've grown up a lot since having the boys in my 20's, look at things differently, and am much more confident in myself as a person. Honestly, my biggest concern is kicking this house's ass so that it's "homebirth-ready" -- part of which is clearing out the big bedroom, ripping carpet and painting it with primer. The other art of which involves replacing the bathroom sink (and, yes, the toilet too, DH!), as I know if these are put off they won't get done anytime in the early months after the baby arrives. I'd like to paint the living room, but that can wait until summer when the boys are at summer camp for a week.

I've been craving cantaloupe and honeydew melon like crazy this week -- making me a little insane because I've hated these since I was was a child. My parents grew them commercially for awhile and I pretty much ate them until the very smell made me feel ill. This week is a battle between my stomach, which is screaming "YES! MORE!", and my brain's cowering in disgust.

I got a few must-do tasks off my list this week -- set up an ordering template for one of our coop buying groups, making setting up future orders nothing more than a quick "Save As" with a new file name; following up on a request for updated Statement of Accounts for another coop buying group for which I do books; ripped up the hallway carpet (so gross!); and picked up a new beemop so I can TSP the bathroom ceiling sometime this week (seriously the easiest way to do it). I've also almost filled another bag with stuff for St. Vincent de Paul, and bought another dresser for the boys. The dresser still needs assembly, but I might get to that tomorrow if DH brings it in from the van.

DH and the boys are going to my next midwife appt to meet Claudia, my primary, and I'm really looking forward to it. Today's appt was a snap -- am 32wks, measuring 30wks, blood pressure 100/60, baby's heartrate 148 bpm, and head down where it should be. I've gained a whopping total of 12lbs thus far (according to clinic scales) and still have a couple pairs of regular low-rise pre-pregnancy pants that fit me comfortably.

My big plans for this week? THRUSH HERMIT CONCERT ON THURSDAY NIGHT! w00t!

So the short of it all is:

Things are going swimmingly. I have a crapload of work to do in the big bedroom. Have been doing the "nesting thing" with this baby, despite not doing it with the boys. I have an inhuman craving for cantaloupe. I'm getting my high school retro groove on with a friend Thursday night. Good times. ;)