Catch-Up In Point Form

It's been a couple of ReallyBusyWeeks since my last post. I'm going to do a half-assed pointform recap here and reserve the possibility of more fleshed out posts on a couple of the things for when the kids finish school. :D

  • The family and I loaded up our minivan with kegs, bikes, and camping gear and headed down to Camp Pascobac on Belleisle Bay for Big Strange New Brunswick Brew -- an annual tradition for a motley (and terribly fun!) group of home brewers. It was a blast -- we all got tanned, enjoyed great food and fresh air, the adults got some great beer and cider, and I actually got to socialize this year. Last year, #2 was a bit too "busy" so I confined the boys to the beach for the day and hung out there -- very few people even remember seeing me! We're planning to go for the whole week next year.
  • #1 (age 6) has learned the basics of multiplication and is driving me batty by putting it into action and constantly asking me if he has the right answer. It's really cute, rather amazing to me, but incredibly annoying!
  • My hysterosonogram showed no uterine anomolies and I have two functioning fallopian tubes. This rather surprised all of us in the exam room and it wasn't at all expected. The test, though, left me with three incredibly uncomfortable days of cramps--one of which included the 12hr drive to New Brunswick. Not fun. The cysts are still present and one is almost certainly an endometrioma. They have been causing me a good deal of unprovoked discomfort this week and it's a tad concerning.
  • #1's reading skills have suddenly exploded -- I'm really taken aback by how much of me I see in him lately. It's awesome and scary.
  • My great-uncle passed away from lung cancer. It wasn't unexpected, but it has knocked me for a bit of a loop. This brings the tally to three men in two generations on that side of the family who've died from lung cancer. As a child (and still) I always considered him and my great-aunt to share the "grandparent" roles for that side of my family. They all lived next door to us and I have many fond memories of visiting them and going for walks in the woods with my great-uncle. Every visit back home fills me with a little bit of dread because the last few years every year has meant more change in the places and faces I remember.
  • The boys are gearing up for the end of the school year. One is excited about it and the other is sad -- both will keep my hands full. I knitted three "apple cozies" -- one for each teacher -- and the boys will be making cards later today. :)
  • I've got lots of crazy plans for summer and some may involve other people's children -- I'll get in touch as needed. On a related note, anyone know of particularly good places to buy carpet underlay remnants? Stuff in cool colours is preferred. :D
  • It's wedding season! Congrats to Chris and Clare -- dh is down in NS right now for their wedding. Congrats also to Amy and Steph -- I can hardly believe little Ames is all grown up and getting married! Wish I could be there, but I'll definately be thinking of you and sending my best wishes! :D

If anyone local is interested in getting ahold of some rooted pieces of corkscrew willow, let me know. I have several small pieces and just gave away three that I had successfully transplanted into a pot. Right now they are growing in a container of water on my step. :D I'm totally onboard if people want to give me some of their plants in trade! I'd love to get ahold of some pieces of variegated dogwood to root.