Back In The Saddle Again

That chill is in the evening breeze now -- that slight edge to the warmth that reminds us Summer is swiftly tilting into Fall and we have mere days left to rush around purchasing school supplies, herding children to school orientation, and ensuring that everyone has sneakers that fit.

August is bleeding into September, and with the loss of lazy days, splash pads, and barbeques, comes more demands on our time, tighter schedules, and a return to the hectic pace of the school year.

I find September the most chaotic month of the year. It's tough enough shifting gears between seasons, but the return to school and extracurricular routines makes Fall a little harder for me. Without careful preparation and forethought, mealtimes are often the first sacrifice.

Meal planning has helped me a lot with this the past couple years, and next week I will be sitting down with my book to plan out two months of meals week-by-week. I find it less stressful to sort this out in large blocks in advance, and then have my book to refer to when planning my weekly grocery shopping. It also allows me to work in making triple-batch meals for freezing or leftovers, and nights when other family members can take a turn in the kitchen.

My husband loves using his InstantPot for making beef stew -- something we all enjoy. We have had one for a few years now and love how much time it saves when making chili, baked beans, and preparing legumes. 

Have you tried the InstantPot? Does your family have a favourite recipe? Or do you have other tricks and tips to make September evenings run smoothly as everyone adjusts to their new routines?

With just over a week to go before school starts, I intend to kick back in my garden and enjoy the last gasp of warm, sunny breezes before chaos sets in.

Possibly with wine.