A New Year

I don't do resolutions anymore -- too often, they'd be left undone and become a list of guilt for things I'd wanted to accomplish, but never did. A few years ago, I wrote up a short list that I reaffirm every year -- Resolve -- and I recommit to it again this year. I didn't do it all perfectly -- my aim to be creative every day slid a bit, unless you count roasting coffee as being "Creative" -- but I more or less stayed on track and overall am happy with how 2011 unfolded.

In 2011, I encouraged my husband to pursue his dream of leaving high tech to become a butcher and, when he had to stop due to injury, helped shoulder the burden of 4 mos of unemployment. We then worked to help him find a high tech job without the soul-sucking side effects of the previous few.

We dealt with the loss of my Father-in-Law -- it felt so strange to not be preparing a box to send him this Christmas. We miss him very much.

My blog generated some actual income this year. This was quite exciting for me.

My youngest went from babe in arms to a fully-fledged walking and talking toddler, with a wicked sense of humor. Every day he does something new that makes me laugh. We're still breastfeeding (something I am very happy about, being a big supporter of extended breastfeeding) and he is still coming with me to work. Thank you, Susie, for having a mom-friendly business -- I truly appreciate the privilege of being able to bring my toddler to work with me.

I met Jim Cuddy. I. Met. Jim. Cuddy. 'Nuff said.

We started a home business for which I am primarily responsible. Bytown Beanery has exceeded my expectations for 2011 like gangbusters -- I'm very excited to see what is in store in 2012! Thank you so much to our friends and customers (and friends who are customers ;)) who have supported and encouraged us in 2011. I may need to work on my "Roastess With The Mostest" persona for 2012.

I am looking forward with happy and positive thoughts to the year to come. I send my best wishes for a full and happy 2012 to all of you. Happy New Year!