319ml of water -- the amount absorbed by a toddler-sized Bummis prefold
How absorbent are your cloth diapers and inserts? Are you getting the best value for your money? Looking for something to solve overnight diapering disasters? Here are a few lists I've compiled to help you make the best decision for your specific circumstances!
Ranked by Absorbency**:
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Newborn/Preemie) 2.86
- Fuzzibunz Microfiber Insert (small) 2.76
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Infant) 2.68
- FuzziBunz Elite (large insert) 2.66
- FuzziBunz Elite (both inserts) 2.53
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Toddler) 2.53
- Mother-Ease Sandys (Bamboo, small) 2.47
- Fuzzibunz Microfiber Insert (large) 2.44
- FuzziBunz Elite (small insert) 2.39
- Mother-Ease Sandys (Bamboo, large) 2.38
- AMP Hemp Insert (3 layer) 2.33
- Thirsties Hemp Insert2.24
- AMP Bamboo Insert (2 layer) 2.23
- OsoCozy Flat Diaper 2.2
- Rumparooz 6r Hemp Soaker 2.18
- Kissaluvs Kissa's (Hemp, M/L) 2.10
- Kissaluvs Marvels AIO2.02
- Best Bottoms Insert (Hemp/cotton, L) 1.96
- Sustainablebabyish "Sprout" OBF, L (w/ extra booster) 1.94
- Barnyard Bummz Diaper (large, with overnight doubler) 1.85
- Sustainablebabyish "Forage" OBF, XL 1.78
- Bambino Mio miosolo AIO 1.72
- Kiwi Pie Diaper 1.69
- GroVia AIO (with snap-in soaker) 1.61
- TotsBots Easyfit (Bamboo/Microfiber style) 1.57
- Mini Kiwi Diaper (with booster) 1.53
- Barnyard Bummz Diaper (large) 1.44
- GroVia AIO (without snap-in soaker) 1.16
- Mini Kiwi Diaper (without booster) 1.1
Ranked from highest volume of water absorbed to lowest volume of water absorbed:
- Sustainablebabyish "Sprout" OBF, L (with extra booster) 616 ml
- Sustainablebabyish "Forage" OBF, XL 502 ml
- Barnyard Bummz Diaper (large, with overnight doubler) 425 ml
- Mother-Ease Sandys (Bamboo, large) 405 ml
- Kissaluvs Kissa (Hemp/cotton, M/L) 349 ml
- Mother-Ease Sandys (Bamboo, small) 339 ml
- Barnyard Bummz Diaper (large) 332 ml
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Toddler) 319 ml
- Kiwi Pie Diaper 305 ml
- Mini Kiwi Diaper (with booster) 291 ml
- AMP Hemp Insert 275 ml
- Mini Kiwi Diaper (without booster) 267 ml
- Rumparooz 6r Hemp Soaker 248 ml
- GroVia AIO (with snap-in soaker) 248 ml
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Infant) 217 ml
- Kissaluvs Marvels AIO 216 ml
- Bambino Mio miosolo AIO 208 ml
- AMP Bamboo Insert 187 ml
- GroVia AIO (without snap-in soaker) 178 ml
- TotsBots Easyfit (Bamboo/Microfiber style) 173 ml
- FuzziBunz Elite (both inserts) 167 ml
- OsoCozy Flat Diaper 165 ml
- Best Bottoms Insert (Hemp/cotton, L) 153 ml
- Thirsties Hemp Insert 150 ml
- Fuzzibunz Microfiber Insert (large) 110 ml
- Fuzzibunz Microfiber Insert (small) 105 ml
- Bummis Prefold Diaper (Newborn/Preemie) 103 ml
- FuzziBunz Elite (large insert) 93 ml
- FuzziBunz Elite (small insert) 74 ml
What do these numbers mean when it comes to choosing a diaper or insert? The higher the Absorbency Ranking (1st list), the more liquid the diaper can absorb in relation to its own weight. A higher number generally indicates a diaper with the ability to absorb more water with less bulkiness overall. This is the ranking list to refer to if you're looking for a trimmer, more absorbent diaper -- choosing the appropriate sized diaper will also affect overall bulk. Diapers at the bottom of the list generally have more bulkiness to them.
Does this mean that a FuzziBunz insert absorbs more than a Sandys diaper? Absolutely not. Not all diapers or inserts are created equal. They use different materials and have differing numbers of layers. Just because a diaper ranks low on the first list does not mean it doesn't absorb more liquid overall -- it means that it requires more bulk to do it.
The second list will tell you how much water each diaper can absorb. For example, you would need 4 small microfiber inserts to equal one large Sandys diaper. This would be incredibly bulky. When bulk is not an issue and the need for more absorbency is the primary concern, the 2nd list is the one to which to refer.
For folks more concerned with the overall cost of a diaper in relation to its soaking power, here is a third list with the diapers and inserts ranked by cost/ml absorbed -- I have indicated the base cost for each item next to it to compensate for price variation between retailers:
Ranked by Cost per ml Absorbed (ranked lowest cost to highest cost):
- Bummis Prefold - Infant ($3.17) - $0.015/ml
- Osocozy Cotton Flat Diaper ($2.67) - $0.016/ml
- Bummis Prefold - Toddler ($5.00) - $0.016/ml
- Bummis Prefold - Newborn ($1.83) - $0.018/ml
- Thirsties Hemp Insert ($4.00) - $0.027/ml
- Motherease Sandys - LG ($14.00) - $0.035/ml
- AMP Hemp 3 Layer Insert ($10.00) - $0.036/ml
- FuzziBunz LG microfiber insert ($4.00) - $0.036/ml
- FuzziBunz SM microfiber insert ($4.00) - $0.038/ml
- Rumparooz 6r Hemp Soaker ($10.00) - $0.040/ml
- Motherease Sandys - SM ($14.00) - $0.041/ml
- Sustainablebabyish "Sprout" OBF, L (w/ extra booster) ($25.95) - $0.042/ml
- Best Bottoms Insert (Hemp/cotton), L ($7.00) - $0.046/ml
- AMP Bamboo 2 Layer Insert ($10.00) - $0.054/ml
- Kissaluvs Kissa's (Hemp/cotton), M/L ($20.00) - $0.057/ml
- Sustainablebabyish "Forage" OBF, XL ($34.00) - $0.068/ml
- Kiwi Pie, w/ both snap-in doublers ($25.00) - $0.082/ml
- Barnyard Bummz - w/ doubler ($38.00) - $0.089/ml
- Barnyard Bummz - w/o doubler ($32.00) - $0.096/ml
- Mini Kiwi ($25.95) - $0.097/ml
- Kissaluvs Marvels ($22.95) - $0.106/ml
- GroVia AIO - w/ soaker ($26.95) - $0.109/ml
- Bambino Mio miosolo ($24.00) - $0.115/ml
- TotsBots EasyFit ($23.85) - $0.138/ml
- FuzziBunz Elite ($23.50) - $0.141/ml
*Clean, dry diaper or insert thoroughly soaked in water and then allowed to hang until no more water dripped from fabric.
**Total amount of water absorbed divided by the dry weight of the item.