Okay, I admit I've been a terrible blogger lately -- I'm sure I've excuses, generally do, but the truth is I was busy worrying about Swine Flu, what my follow-up ultrasound would show, dealing with two(!) different colds,building a robot dragon costume for #2 and trying to get my ass in gear for the craft fair I'm in on November 21st...
Read MoreSorry to keep you all in suspense, but I had a good ultrasound (for the most part). There's a real live baby in there, with a real live beating heart. Yay! That said, I'm still not totally stress-free about this whole pregnancy thing.
[WARNING: potential TMI about ovaries, weird pregnancy head stuff, and to-do lists]
Read MoreWherein I discuss being "still pregnant for now" and allow a tentative bit of hope to seep around the edges of my paranoia.
Read MoreI tend to prepare myself for the absolute worst in these situations so that I'm either ready for the bad news or pleasantly surprised by good news. Something just feels *wrong*, though..
Read MoreIn the last week my boobs have painfully inflated by at least a cup size, if not more. If gravity and movement didn't make them excruciatingly uncomfortable, they might be kind of fun to dress up and take out on the town. As it is, I rather want to bury them under a big comfy sweatshirt and try not to move too much. Also? Morning sickness doesn't have to happen in the morning. Sometimes it can happen in the middle of the night, or all afternoon [...]
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