We have a follow-up ultrasound today to check out a bunch of things that have been eating away at my brain for the past couple of months. So, of course, I've been sleeping like crap and fretting over every little twinge for about the same period of time. [...]
Read MoreI'm still wigging out that someone in the medical profession decided it's acceptable to stick stuff in an unconscious woman's cooter without informed consent. In my opinion, that's legal rape.
Read MoreI'm officially at the half-way point in the pregnancy now. I'm feeling a bit more relaxed about it, but still have worries in the back of my mind about something going "wrong". It wasn't until a follow-up u/s with #2 that we realized he had a kidney problem -- that didn't show up at the routine 18wk u/s. I fret a bit that something similar might happen with this one because I now know that it can -- with #1, I was blissfully naive about such things and didn't give them another thought. As far as gender guessing, anything is still possible -- Baby kept legs stubbornly crossed, so we didn't get a peek. This bothered me at first but not so much now. I rather suspect this one is a girl -- probably because I know a girl would cause the most upheaval in our tiny house. ;) [...]
Read MoreOkay, I admit I've been a terrible blogger lately -- I'm sure I've excuses, generally do, but the truth is I was busy worrying about Swine Flu, what my follow-up ultrasound would show, dealing with two(!) different colds,building a robot dragon costume for #2 and trying to get my ass in gear for the craft fair I'm in on November 21st...
Read MoreSorry to keep you all in suspense, but I had a good ultrasound (for the most part). There's a real live baby in there, with a real live beating heart. Yay! That said, I'm still not totally stress-free about this whole pregnancy thing.
[WARNING: potential TMI about ovaries, weird pregnancy head stuff, and to-do lists]
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