Summer is here, camping and travel plans are being made, and I'm preparing myself for toilet training my 3yr old. You’d think I’d be an expert at this by now, but the truth is every kid is different, and this kid in particular, is putting me though my paces!
Read MoreThere is a balance that needs to be struck between keeping our kids safe and teaching our kids to keep themselves safe -- between teaching them independence and encouraging them to use that independence.
Today I let my 8yr old walk to school alone.
This is easily the funniest Royal Wedding coverage I’ve seen! Well worth the watch, if you’re looking for a chuckle.
And a golden unicycle, Harry? REALLY? You should have tried harder… ;)
Happy Star Wars Day — May the Fourth be with you!
Read MoreWhen you're in the trenches of babyhood, it often feels like you'll be stuck there forever. Some days are so challenging and so long, that the only thing you can hold onto is the idea that someday things will be easier. The truth is hard -- it doesn't get easier, it gets different.
Read MoreWe have one bathroom, a dual flush toilet, and 5 kids.
And I'm tired of plunging...